District Honor Band is an event that occurs each year where students auditions come together from across the district from Walton to Rabun County for two days. The band plays a selection of music with a guest conductor for parents and guests.
Chorus and band teacher Sarah Waller-Price stated that Lena represented the school and performed well during the concert.
"Lena represented our school well this year; she rehearsed with other students from the district all day on Friday and then rehearsed again on Saturday to prepare for a concert on Saturday afternoon."
"Four Banks County Middle School students attended District Honor Band auditions in December. Students had to play scales and a chromatic scale from memory, a prepared etude, and then sight read for judges at these auditions. Lena's score was high enough to attend District Honor Band," said Waller-Price.
Banks County Middle School offers its students an exemplary band and chorus program. This program also progresses into the high school band and chorus program.